Att. Eren Günday, LL.M. completed his high school degree at Şişli Terakki High School and his law degree (LL.B.) at Bahçeşehir University. He also completed his master of law degree (LL.M.) about International & Commercial Law at University of Greenwich, London with a degree of merit. In addition to his experience in corporate law and commercial law, he also provides services and operates in many areas of law. After working in many companies and law offices in the UK and Turkey; now he provides consultancy services to his clients and companies in his own office. He has many articles in the field of defense industry and commercial and he also has a book on "Protecting the Legal Entity of the Corporations from Piercing the Corporate Veil", which is the subject of his master's thesis. As a foreign language; he has a proficient level in English and intermediate level in Russian and German. He is also an officially sworn translator by public notaries and courts in English.
Corporate Law
- Protecting the Concept Of Legal Entity of the Corporations From Piercing the Corporate Veil: Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd. & 6 Years On, (Yetkin Yayınevi, 2021)
European Union Law
- Understanding the TFEU & Article 101
- Avrupa Birliği ve Savunma Alanındaki Gelişmeler, (M5 Magazine 2019)
- Avrupa Birliği’nin İşleyişine İlişkin Anlaşma’nın (TFEU) Kavranması, (M5 Magazine 2019)
Corporate Law
- Analyzing the Case of Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd.
- Analyzing the Companies Act 2006
- Broad Definition and History of the Legal Entity
- Developments After the Case of Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd.
- Further Cases Reinforced From Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd.
- General View of Directors’ Duties Under S.172 Companies Act 2006.
- Lord Sumption’s Evasion and Concealment Principles in Decision
- Protected Legal Interest in Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd.
- The Company as a Separate Legal Entity
Commercial Law
- Brief History and Developments of the Trade Terms
- Overview of the Incoterms
- Sharing the Risk by Parties While Selecting and Applying the Terms
- Şirket Genel Kurullarında Butlan ve Ölü Doğan Kararlar
- Anonim Şirketlerde Genel Kurullarda İptal Hükmünün Sonuçları
- Sermaye Şirketleri Genel Kurullarında Yokluk Hali
International Law
- Barış Zamanı Yapılan Casusluk Fiilleri, (M5 Magazine, 2019)
- Bir Nato Müdahalesi Olarak Libya
- Gizli Bilgi Edinme Faaliyeti: Casusluk, (M5 Magazine, 2019)
- Uluslararası Deniz Hukukunda Askeri Faaliyetlere Karşı Gösterilen Tutum, (M5 Magazine, 2019)
- Uluslararası Deniz Hukukunun Tarihsel Süreci, (M5 Magazine, 2019)
Attended Seminars
- University of Greenwich – “Common Law Foundations” Seminar (2019)
- Bahçeşehir University – “Arrest and Risk Appraisal” Conferance (2015)
- Bahçeşehir University – “Cross Examination” Program (2015)
- Bahçeşehir University – “Property Law” Conferance, (2014)
- Bahçeşehir University – “Mediation for Lawyers” Program (2014)
- Bahçeşehir University – “Comperative Trial Technics” Seminar (2014)
- Bahçeşehir University – “Legal English” Conferance (2013)